Friday, August 28, 2009


Def: characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning: an obsequious bow. groveling, submissive, obedient
synonyms: abject, beggarly, brownnosing, complacent, compliable, compliant, cringing, crouching, deferential, enslaved, fawning, flattering, ingratiating, kowtowing, menial, obeisant, oily, parasitic, parasitical, prostrate, respectful, servile, slavish, sneaking, sniveling, spineless, stipendiary, subject, submissive, subordinate, subservient, sycophantic, toadying, unctuous.

"Although Allison helped me paint the studio studio today, it was not done in an obsequious manner."

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cultivate & Camarilla

Def: Enrich situation; give special attention
Synonyms: advance, ameliorate, better, bolster, bring on, brownnose, butter up, cherish, civilize, court, develop, discipline, elevate, encourage, enrich, foster, further, get in with, get next to, get on good side of, improve, nourish, nurse, nurture, play up to, polish, promote, refine, run after, seek friendship, shine up to, suck up to, take pains with, train..

Def: Groups of close friends or associates /
group of unofficial advisers
(sometimes scheming)
Synonyms: Mafia, bunch, cabal, camarilla, camp, circle, clan, club, coterie, crew, crowd, crush, faction, gang, in-group, insiders, lobby, mob, organization, outfit, pack, posse, ring, set, society

Sentence: I hope to CULTIVATE my CAMARILLA by starting this new blog.

*Please add your own sentence*

word oh word.

Word of the day. I love the concept and have tried several times to follow through with the idea. Whether it is a completely new word, an old favorite, or a distant memory (used once or twice to impress a college professor), it is a way to start your day off with imagination and creativity. You never know what word will inspire you to DO something great or to BE someone honest.. or caring... or maybe a little bit crazy.

I will share a little about myself, through the WOD, and hope to learn more about you, my camarilla, as well!